Conductor: Gianluca Capuano / Director: Robert Carsen Director / Sets and Costumes: Gideon Davey Sets and Costumes / Lighting: Robert Carsen, Peter Van Praet / Dramaturgy: Ian Burton / Choreography: Rebecca Howell / Video: rocafilm
With: Mélissa Petit – Regula mühlemann / Cecilia Bartoli / Lawrence Zazzo / Charles Workman
Anxiety about the future clouds the self-regarding gaze of Bellezza (Beauty) into her ‘faithful mirror’. But what’s the point of wasting one’s time with inconvenient things like transience? Better to enjoy the here and now, encourages Piacere (Pleasure), with whom Bellezza swears a bond. Much later, when this bond is finally broken, Piacere admits that he feeds purely on ‘inganno’ (deceit): but by then this is not news to Bellezza, for Disinganno (Dis-illusion in the sense of true knowledge) and Tempo (Time) have joined forces to steer Bellezza’s yearning away from fleeting to more enduring values, and to direct her gaze from the surface to the essence of being. But the path to the mirror of Truth is thorny and constantly exposed to the enticements of Piacere…